空中浩劫 1-24季合集
空中浩劫 第二十四季的剧情简介
When a massive explosion tears a hole in a 747 over Hawaii, nine passengers strapped to their seats are sucked out of the cabin. With two engines on fire, the flight crew somehow manages to turn the crippled plane around to land in Honolulu. And though investigators immediately suspect an act of terrorism is to blame, the search for answers ultimately leads to a deadly short circuit.
一架 747 客机在夏威夷上空发生爆炸,机上九名系在座位上的乘客被吸出机舱。两台发动机着火,机组人员设法让这架受损的飞机掉头降落在檀香山。虽然调查人员立即怀疑是恐怖主义行为,但寻找原因的过程最终导致了致命的短路。
空中浩劫 第二十四季的豆瓣热评
空中浩劫 第二十四季的资源目录
└─ 空中浩劫 1-24季 纪录片 灾难 ├─ S09 ├─ S17 ├─ S15 ├─ S23 ├─ S11 ├─ S03 ├─ S14 ├─ S20 ├─ S22 ├─ S05 ├─ S13 ├─ S12 ├─ S21 ├─ S07 ├─ S16 ├─ S06 ├─ S18 ├─ S19 ├─ S10 ├─ S24 ├─ S01 ├─ S04 ├─ S08 ├─ S02 └─ 空中浩劫:特辑.世纪大空难[中字].avi